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OnlineBound Podcast #6

Veronika Palovska: How to overcome the crisis of underfunctioning when you work online

May 26, 2021

In this episode, I talk to a brand strategist (and my business partner) Veronika Palovska. This time, we don’t talk business, but get into a topic that isn’t talked about often enough: The different ways anxiety shows up in business and life. 

What you may see and misinterpret in yourself and others as laziness or lack of motivation can be a symptom of anxiety or another mental health issue—but the same is true for extreme productivity. 

We hope that this episode will make you feel less alone in case you tend to underperform when under pressure, or, in case you are on the other side of the spectrum, reflect on your obsession with work and see if it isn’t rooted in anxiety.

It’s not that “underfunctioners” don’t care. It’s that they care too much.


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Discussed in this episode:

  • What is overfuntioning and underfunctioning: When under pressure, some people resort to ineffective behavior (like procrastination or playing the victim), while others feel extremely driven to be productive (or save others). In fact, both are just different ways of dealing with anxiety.
  • The problem with overfunctioning and underfuntioning: Overfunctioning is considered “normal” and desirable, while underfunctioning is seen as a flaw. On top of that, in the online business world, underfuntioners don’t see each other and feel like they are the only ones.
  • Some practical tips on taking care of your mental health as a business owner: Journaling techniques, watching the “should” language in your self-talk, giving yourself permission to say no.
  • How to turn the tendency to underfunction into a superpower, and why it’s beneficial for business partnerships when people are on the opposite sides of the overfunctioning-underfunctioning spectrum. 

Links and resources

? Book mentioned: Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner

? Article mentioned: Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price

? The “Morning Pages” journaling method comes from the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

About Veronika Palovska

Veronika Palovska is the founder of Do You Speak Freedom, a blog for online teachers and coaches, the co-founder and co-host (together with Elena) of the Smart Teacher’s Library, and the author and co-author of several books for online teachers and coaches. Her latest book is a workbook of writing prompts for online teachers and coaches, Writing for Dream Clients

Since 2016, she’s been helping online teachers with branding, content marketing, and design so they can also build an independent business instead of selling their souls on online teaching marketplaces. She has helped tens of online teachers launch their blogs, websites, and their first products (books, workbooks, online courses, and programs).


Follow Veronika

? Website: doyouspeakfreedom.com

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OnlineBound is created and produced by Elena Mutonono and edited by Hanna James. Podcast notes, branding, graphic design, and tech support by Veronika Palovska. Podcast music by James Martin.